We are practical, realistic and forthcoming about what it is really going to take to get your product to market .
The quickest and most efficient path to market is by starting with and designing to the appropriate standard.
High Tech Design Safety
A Third-party Test Laboratory That Does Evaluation, Certification, Testing And Design Reviews Through Our Conformity Discovery Process ©
Why Us?
We Are Here To Help YOu Get Your Product to Market
Clear and Known Scope
We will limit the scope to the specific standards required for you to achieve certification. We will not include additional related standards except for where they are absolutely necessary. Nor will we include our recommendations, desires, wants or needs in order to have you be certified.
Other labs will do these things and your scope will increase to the point where you don’t even know what you gotta do next. At the beginning of the project, we give you the known scope and keep to that scope.
Reasonable and Known Budget
We are reasonable in that we understand what it takes to design, build, and take products to the market. During the evaluation we provide you with direction from the standards that will allow you to comply in a safe and reasonable manner.
On a budget basis, we are reasonable in that we will quote you exactly what it’s going to take for us to complete the work. We will also quote you how long it really will take to complete your certification.
Other labs will either quote a partial scope or give you the best possible case timeline, neither of which in the end will hold true. Knowing your budget and your timeline always is an advantage.
Timeline and Deliverables
We work within our known fields and scopes, therefore can deliver you a timeline. So long as you maintain design constraints and complete the work timely, you will get the project when you need it done effectively and on time.
Our deliverables are part of the result. We are effective in achieving these deliverables by maintaining the scope and by being practical and reasonable, therefore effective.
You won’t have scope and budget creep that drives your timeline and deliverables out to a broad range of unknowns. We actually quote the scope and standards that are needed so you can effectively design and complete your project and go to market.
Labels, Listing & Certifications
These are a few of the services and expertise we can help you with. See Full Service. Copyright or trademark is owned by the mark holder.