Frequently Asked Questions
Using our Conformity Discovery Process©, we walk you through SEMI S2 Safety Guidelines, provide all the testing, evaluation and certification of your product. It also supports you during the design phase or in re-spin where you’re redesigning a product to be either more economical to have a lower cost of ownership or have higher throughput. We can also work with several of the large labs to provide you with a SEMI S2 report from any of the labs that are selected by your end user.
Additionally, we act as in-house product safety managers to accelerate, SEMI S2 approvals from other larger labs. Our clients repeatedly say that we’ve done it faster, easier and with total less costs than any other method. If you’re planning on running your own SEMI S2 program internally. You may want to rethink that and work with us. We can help you get it done.
SEMI S2 is the Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment. The large Chip Manufacturing companies will require a SEMI S2 Report before making equipment purchases to ensure the safety and design of your piece of equipment.
Best practice is to start designing your product to the appropriate standards from the beginning. HTDS is here to help you select the right standard. Many of our clients have come to appreciate having someone to support them throughout the process as it saves time and money.
The fastest way is to operate a Conformity Discovery Process © and work with us to get it done.
Alternatively, you can try and do it yourself. However, we found most clients get their product rejected by end-users.
Semiconductor Materials and Equipment International safety guidelines and Standards
SEMI S2 is the Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment created by SEMI. The large Chip Manufacturing companies will require a SEMI S2 Report before making equipment purchases to ensure the safety and design of your piece of equipment. This is a summary of the SEMI S2 and Third-Party S2 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment. Previous versions of the standard include SEMI S2-0200, SEMI S2-0302, SEMI S2-1102 & SEMI S2-0303, SEMI S2-0703 SEMI S2-93, SEMI S2-93A.
Types of equipment
SEMI S2 is applicable to all types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. SEMI S2 applies to Ion Implanters, Litho Equipment, and wet benches. It applies to etchers, mask aligners, CVD, Saws, Spin Coaters and any other equipment in the Fab. Etchers, Implanters, Clean Tracks, Chemical Dispense Systems, Bulk Gas Distribution, Gas Cabinets, Gas Source Cabinets, Metrology Systems, Test Systems, CMP Systems, Furnaces, Sub-Systems, and Industrial Lasers.
Industries served: Semiconductor Manufacturing
High Tech Design Safety, LLC capabilities and offerings include SEMI S2 certification. Contact us at High Tech Design Safety, LLC so we can begin the process of certifying your equipment to SEMI S2.
Our team was part of the group that wrote SEMI S2 and even provided leadership for the writing committee as well as direction to ensure SEMI S2 was adequate as a guideline for the semiconductor safety industry. High Tech Design Safety, LLC was one of the first companies to provide SEMI S2 evaluation and certification services.
HTDS provides full turnkey SEMI S2 services. We complete your SEMI S2 certification, your SEMI S2 evaluation, and your SEMI S2 testing. For all your SEMI S2 and related standards testing, High Tech Design Safety, LLC. can meet your needs. We have performed SEMI S2 evaluation on nearly every single type of SEMI S2 equipment in your factory. SEMI S2 is required by every semiconductor factory.
Summary of the standard & Safety Guidelines
SEMI S2 was created by the semiconductor equipment industry. The goal of SEMI S2 is to increase semiconductor equipment safety. SEMI S2 includes Safety labeling, SEMI S2 Quitman design, SEMI S2 operator interface, SEMI S2 and SEMI S8 ergonomics, SEMI S2 safety interlock systems, SEMI S2 emergency shutdown, SEMI S2 electrical design, SEMI S2 fire protection, SEMI S2 heated chemical baths, SEMI S2 hazardous energy isolation, SEMI S2 lockout, SEMI S2 mechanical design, SEMI S2 seismic protection, SEMI S2 automated material handling equipment, SEMI S2 environmental considerations, SEMI S2 exhaust ventilation, SEMI S2 chemicals, SEMI S2 ionizing radiation, SEMI S2 non-ionizing radiation, SEMI S2, lasers, SEMI S2 sound pressure level measurement, and SEMI S2 fire protection.
Top Nonconformities
Often, designers and manufacturers miss the interaction of standards and their design needs. Please contact us for an outline of typical non-conformances. High Tech Design Safety, LLC., SEMI S2 services will help you shorten design time and decrease product cost.
How to prep for conformance?
Step one is to contact High Tech Design Safety, LLC. to prep a design guide document for your specific piece of equipment and SEMI S2 hazards associated.
Related standards
SEMI E6 — Guide for Semiconductor Equipment Installation Documentation
SEMI F5 — Guide for Gaseous Effluent Handling
SEMI F14 — Guide for the Design of Gas Source Equipment Enclosures
SEMI F15 — Test Method (SF6 Tracer Gas) for Enclosures Has Been Moved to SEMI S6
SEMI S1 — Safety Guideline for Equipment Safety Labels
This details which labels you need for your equipment.
SEMI S3 — Safety Guideline for Process Liquid Heating System
This standard delineates how to manage heated process chemicals specifically with an eye to preventing fire and release.
SEMI S6 — EHS Guideline for Exhaust Ventilation of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
This is a standard that shows how to design the exhaust systems for your equipment and validate that those exhaust systems work properly. You might find that you are asked to perform tracer gas testing. This is the document that lines out how to perform tracer gas testing. At High Tech Design Safety, our team are experts in performing tracer gas testing. Typically, we can look at drawings and tell you whether or not your equipment will comply before even coming on-site. We can also tell you best practices that we know of from the SEMI S2 standard to get your system validated up and running and working quickly. We will get you S2 code compliant.
If you are needing tracer gas testing services, contact us now for SEMI S6 expertise and tracer gas testing. Typically, we can perform the testing and get your report within 2 to 3 weeks if your equipment is already facilitated and ready to go.
We have detailed SEMI S6 test plans and a systematic way of completing the tests. Often, you’ll find we can be on-site for less than a day and a half for small equipment and two half days for large equipment.
If you would like to perform experiments to determine the total capability of your equipment and how much material can be exhausted, we can perform those as well. This is completed under a consulting scope.
SEMI S7 — Safety Guidelines for Environmental, Safety, and Health (ESH) Evaluation of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
This standard tells us how to perform the evaluation of your equipment.
SEMI S8 — Safety Guidelines for Ergonomics Engineering of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
This standard talks all about ergonomics for operation, maintenance, service, and how easy it is to understand operate and function your equipment.
SEMI S10 — Safety Guideline for Risk Assessment and Risk Evaluation Process
This standard tells us how to do a risk assessment for your semiconductor equipment.
SEMI S12 — Guidelines for Equipment Decontamination
This standard tells us how to develop equipment to camp decontamination processes and procedures for your equipment containing flammable or toxic materials. It also details end of use, end-of-life decontamination, and recycling details.
SEMI S13 — Environmental, Health and Safety Guideline for Documents Provided to the Equipment User for Use with Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
This standard shows how you would properly complete your manuals, documentation and site installation details.
SEMI S14 — Safety Guidelines for Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
This standard allows you to quantify your fire risk from your equipment and your equipment design and also how to reduce those risks.
SEMI S22 — Safety Guideline for the Electrical Design of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
This standard is also related to IEC60204 – 33, which is nearly the same standard.
Additional related standards that might apply to semiconductor equipment
ANSI/IEEE C95.1 — Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz
ANSI/RIA R15.06 — Industrial Robots and Robot Systems – Safety Requirements
ANSI/ISA S84.01 — Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry
IEC 60825-1 — Safety of Laser Products – Part 1: Equipment Classification, Requirements
IEC 61010-1 — Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 1: General Requirements
IEC 61508 — Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems
ISO 10218-1 — Robots for Industrial Environments – Safety Requirements – Part 1: Robot
ISO 13849-1 — Safety of Machinery – Safety-Related Parts of Control Systems – Part 1: General Principles for Design
NFPA 12 — Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 13 — Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems
NFPA 72 — National Fire Alarm Code
NFPA 497 — Recommended Practice for the Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas
NFPA 704 — Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response
NFPA 2001 — Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems
UL 508A — Industrial Control Panel
21 CFR Parts 1000-1050 — Food and Drug Administration/Center for Devices and Radiological Health (FDA/CDRH), Performance Standards for Electronic Products, Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 1000-1050
ACGIH, Industrial Ventilation Manual
ASHRAE Standard 110 — Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods10
Uniform Building Codeâ„¢ (UBC)
Uniform Fire Codeâ„¢
SEMI –Semiconductor Materials and Equipment International Guidelines and Standards
Safety Guidelines
SEMI S1-070aE Safety Guideline for Equipment Safety Labels
SEMI S2-0712a Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S3-1211 Safety Guidelines for Process Liquid Heating System
SEMI S4-0304 Safety Guideline for the Separation of Chemical Cylinders Contained in Dispensing Cabinets
SEMI S5-0310 Safety Guideline for Sizing and Identifying Flow Limiting Devices for Gas Cylinder Valves
SEMI S6-0707E EHS Guideline for Exhaust Ventilation of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S7-0310 Safety Guideline for Evaluation of Personnel and Evaluating Company Qualifications
SEMI S8-0712 Safety Guidelines for Ergonomics Engineering of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S10-0307E Safety Guideline for Risk Assessment and Risk Evaluation Process
SEMI S12-0211 Environmental, Health and Safety Guideline for Manufacturing Equipment Decontamination
SEMI S13-0305 Environmental, Health and Safety Guideline for Documents Provided to the Equipment User for Use with Semiconductor Manufacturing
SEMI S14-0309 Safety Guidelines for Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S16-0307 (Reapproved 0812) Guide for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Design for Reduction of Environmental Impact at End of Life
SEMI S17-0311 Safety Guideline for Unmanned Transport Vehicle (UTV) Systems
SEMI S18-0312 Environmental, Health and Safety Guideline for Flammable Silicon Compounds
SEMI S19-0311 Safety Guideline for Training of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Installation, Maintenance and Service Personnel
SEMI S21-1106E (Reapproved 0612) Safety Guideline for Worker Protection
SEMI S22-0712 Safety Guideline for the Electrical Design of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S23-0311 Guide for Conservation of Energy, Utilities and Materials Used by Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S24-0306 (Reapproved 0811) Safety Guideline for Multi-Employer Work Areas
SEMI S25-0706 Safety Guideline for Hydrogen Peroxide Storage and Handling Systems
SEMI S26-0811 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for FPD Manufacturing System
SEMI S27-0310 Safety Guideline for the Contents of Environmental, Safety, and Health (ESH) Evaluation Reports
SEMI S28-1011 Safety Guideline for Robots and Load Ports Intended for Use in Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
SEMI S29-0712 Guide for Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas (F-GHG) Emission Characterization and Reduction
Facilities Guidelines
SEMI E51-0200 Guide for Typical Facilities Services and Termination Matrix
SEMI E76-0299 Guide for 300 mm Process Equipment Points of Connection to Facility Services
SEMI E129-0912 Guide to Assess and Control Electrostatic Charge in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility
SEMI F5-1101 Guide for Gaseous Effluent Handling
SEMI F6-92 Guide for Secondary Containment of Hazardous Gas Piping Systems
SEMI F13-1101 Guide for Gas Source Control Equipment
SEMI F14-93 (Reapproved 0699) Guide for the Design of Gas Source Equipment Enclosures
SEMI F15-0308 (Withdrawn 1011) Test Method (SFs Tracer Gas) for Enclosures for Enclosures has Been Moved to SEMI S6
SEMI F21-1102 Classification of Airborne Molecular Contaminant Levels in Clean Environments
SEMI F22-0812 Guide for Bulk and Specialty Gas Distribution Systems
SEMI F31-0698 Guide for Bulk Chemical Distribution Systems
SEMI F34-0998 Guide for Liquid Chemical Pipe Labeling
SEMI F39-0699 Guideline for Chemical Blending Systems
SEMI F41-0699 Guide for Qualification of a Bulk Chemical Distribution System Used in Semiconductor Processing
SEMI F46-0999 Guide for On-Site Chemical Generation (OSCG) Systems
SEMI F47-0706 (Reapproved 0812) Specification for Semiconductor Processing Equipment Voltage Sag Immunity
SEMI F49-0200 (Reapproved 1108) Guide for Semiconductor Factory Systems Voltage Sag Immunity
SEMI F50-0200 (Reapproved 1108) Guide for Electric Utility Voltage Sag Performance for Semiconductor Factories
SEMI F51-0200 Guide for Elastomeric Sealing Technology
SEMI F61-0301 (Reapproved 0309) Guide for Ultrapure Water System Used in Semiconductor Processing
SEMI F63-0211 Guide for Ultrapure Water Used in Semiconductor Processing
SEMI F81-0611 Specification for Visual Inspection and Acceptance of Gas Tungsten Arc (GT A) Welds in Fluid Distribution Systems in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications
SEMI F109-0212 Guide for Heater Systems Requirements
We help walk our clients through the process to design based on the standards that it will be tested to and need to comply with in order to enter your desired market.
We can offer a basic timeline to get your product through the process and steps that you can take that will help to expedite the process. Each piece of equipment is different and we can quote your specific equipment.
$22-30K for most equipment. There are factors that you can anticipate will add to the cost and can be planned for in your budget.
Resources From The Field

Getting Started With The Process To Listing, Labeling Or Certifying your product
We are continuing our series on listing, labeling or certifying your equipment. Today we will talk about what it takes to get started on this process. Link to video also available here: How do you start… Products/Standards Well, you got a product…You know what standards are going to be needed for your product.

Determining which countries to get your product listed, labeled or certified for
In the further training course about getting your product listed, labeled or certified…Today we’re going to talk about which countries to get listed or certified for. This is important because it will control your scope and your timeline along with your project costs. Check out the video with High Tech Design Safety, CEO, Steve Barcik Amstel:

Outline of HTDS Conformity Discover Process for getting your product listed, labeled and certified
This is the next addition to our video series on getting your product listed, labeled or certified. Today our CEO, Steve Barcik Amstel is going to speak about the Conformity Discovery Process and how using our process can save you time and money when getting your product to market. Link to video also available here: The