How Long Does it take?
This, is always one of the second questions asked when starting a product conformity project. And here at High Tech Design Safety, we have a process to move you through as fast as you are ready to go.
Timeline depends primarily on three factors, readiness and fitness for certification, speed of replies to request informational requests, and the overall size of the project.
Our experience and process allows us to be fairly accurate in the timeline and takes to complete a project, there are those rare instances where a product is not designed specifically for certification and we must take time to iterate the design and get a new test sample, however those are only about 30% of our work.
Please remember, these timelines are AVERAGE, and can vary depending on the product to be tested and evaluated, the number and size of the standards required, and the actual hands on electrical and physical testing required, the regions, the company, etc, etc…
Just the Certification please
For a small product with 122 220 V and 15 to 20 A maximum:
For a customer that just wants to get the product CE marked. To do a one standard evaluation, is typically one week from delivery of the samples, materials and information. (Keep in mind this timeline does not include extra testing, iteration on design or other options:
One electrical standard For example IEC 60204 typically one week
Simple One Pass FCC testing for conducted radiated emissions: 4 weeks additional re-tests 1-2 weeks Consulting 1-2 weeks if required
SEMI S2 (single standard):typically two to three weeks including on site inspection if required, materials and information. Keep in mind this timeline does not include extra testing, iteration on design or other options:
Full CE Certification:
You have everything ready to go including bill materials, testing, manuals, labels, any calculations needed, and is the design and ready to go for CE testing, we will provide the evaluations, the EMC EMI evaluations and calculations as required, for electrical hazards and mechanical hazards only 4 weeks. Each additional each additional hazard increases the time by about a day or two