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Are You Looking To Get Your Product Listed, Labeled or Certified?
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This is A REALISTIC Timeline for Listing Through A National Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL)

Like UL, TUV, ETL, Intertek... to Name a Few

Some may promise you faster turnarounds.  Do not believe it!

For United States, from the time you deliver 2 to 6 samples, all documentation, drawings, BOMs, and a Purchase Order, expect to take a minimum of three months. For many clients this is a 2-3-months process alone and then for some clients it will take 2 to 4 weeks just to send a purchase order. 

We do not see big labs providing quotes in less than 3 weeks.  One quote now in process is on day 64 from a big lab. They had all data day zero.

How long will it take your team to finalize all documents? 1 week…4 weeks?

How long until you have a production sample? Now... or 3 months?

For every non-conformance report... add at least 2 to 3 weeks, for turnaround answering questions and redesign. If it is a substantial non-conformance and new product has to be produced and samples generated, restart the time clock over after the new samples are completed.

Add all of this together to get your real time to certification.  Anyone telling you anything different is selling fertilizer.


2-3 Days

Receive Quote

Our team puts together  a written scope of work based on the information you provide and estimates what it will cost to complete.

2-3 Days

This depends on your internal processes

Submit Purchase Order

This depends on your internal processes

minimum 3 months

Samples Provided to NRTL

You deliver 4-6 samples and all the documentation required.

minimum 3 months

2 - 3 weeks for each non-conformance report

Non-conformance Report

Once you receive the non-conformance report or reports, there will be time required for turning around questions and redesign. If it is a substantial non-conformance and a new product has to be produced, samples will need to be generated and the timeclock is restarted after the samples are received by the NRTL.

2 - 3 weeks for each non-conformance report

3-6 weeks

Complex Products

Examples of complex products include hazardous location, explosion protected, medical equipment, or radio-based equipment. With all of these you can expect to add time.

3-6 weeks

1 week

Certification Approved

1 week

Labeled with CE Mark

For a simple electrical device

2 - 3 days

Receive Quote

2 - 3 days

This depends on your internal processes​

Submit Purchase Order

This depends on your internal processes​

Typically takes us 15 business days

Testing & Evaluation

 If the product does not pass, we will return with questions and requests for evaluation-based changes to the equipment. This will increase the amount of time.

Typically takes us 15 business days

2 Days

Declaration of Conformity

If the system passes CE Marking, we will at that point provide a declaration of conformity.

2 Days

SEMI S2 Certification

There are typically many variables with each piece of equipment including additional hazards or special requirements that will need specific testing.  Here we will show the basic timeline for a generic piece of equipment.

2 - 3 days

Receive Quote

We typically have a 24-48 hour turnaround time during a regular business week

2 - 3 days

This depends on your internal processes​

Submit Purchase Order

This depends on your internal processes​

1 week

Test Plan

A test plan will be created and needs to be approved to move forward.

1 week

1 - 4 weeks depending on schedule

Schedule On-site Evaluation

Once the previous steps are completed, we will look at desired evaluation date and current workflow to determine the best time. Typically we can be on-site if everything is in place within 14 business days

1 - 4 weeks depending on schedule

2 - 5 Days

On-site Evaluation

For most equipment, you can expect us to be on-site for 2 days and with additional complexities and number of sub-systems that time lengthens. (1.5 days for each sub-system)

2 - 5 Days

5 - 10 Days

Additional Document Review

The following week after on-site evaluation, we put together Constructional reviews and documentation reviews with a full report on whether there are any non-conformances or if the equipment is conforming. 

5 - 10 Days

Typically 1 - 2 weeks


Typically there is back and forth communication to better understand the non-conformance and offering of suggestions for best practices to redesign those or work with your documentation teams to complete the necessary requirements. Also labeling and nameplates may be added.

Typically 1 - 2 weeks


A computer chip sitting on top of a circuit board.

This is the process we use to get your product through listing, labeling, certified… quicker with more reliability to timeline and costs than any other process.

A machine is being used to label and certify products.

We are continuing our series on listing, labeling or certifying your equipment. Today we will talk about what it takes to get started on this process.

A man standing in front of a curtain with text that reads " semi s 2 training timeline ".

Getting your product to market requires many steps and being able to properly plan/schedule your team is critical. High Tech Design Safety is here to help you with your SEMI S2 needs and today CEO, Steve Barcik Amstel provides you with a timeline of what you can expect going through the SEMI S2 evaluation process.