Getting your product to market requires many steps and being able to properly plan/schedule your team is critical. High Tech Design Safety is here to help you with your SEMI S2 needs and today CEO, Steve Barcik Amstel provides you with a timeline of what you can expect going through the SEMI S2 evaluation process.
(Link to video also available here:
This is another episode of our SEMI S2 Training. In the last episode, Steve dealt with some of the questions that we get about what to expect when you are going into a SEMI S2 evaluation and in that very information packed video, we also talked about how to prepare and design your equipment for that process. In this video, Steve really wants to drill down on what you can expect for timing for your process.
Now best practice is early on when clients decide you are going to build a piece of equipment, you engage with us to do a conformity discovery process. This allows you to scope what your equipment is going to need, which standards it needs to conform to and which markets you are going in to so that we will know precisely at the end of the process that you have the right certifications and documentation. As the equipment moves forward we may have additional over the phone, Skype or WebX calls to be sure that we are still heading in the right direction. As you know, there may be scope changes on your side that could impact the outcome of the conformity at the end of the project. These meetings are typically an hour to ninety minutes long, very focused, very impactful and really move the project forward.
Then when you are coming close to having a prototype or production unit for us to test, we will get back with you and begin looking at where you are on documentation and things like that.
So let’s start the clock here.
You’ve got a design with documentation and labeling and you are ready for testing. Once we scope that, which is a 24 hour process, we can typically be on-site within about 14 days, depends on the schedule of course… And this is what we aim for. Next we will need the purchase order. Then we will schedule and come on-site to do the evaluation. That evaluation for most equipment is about two days. If you have multiple pieces of equipment, typically we schedule about a day and a half each. This ensures that we get the time and energy on each piece of equipment. As mentioned in the previous video, sometimes we come on-site and there may be four pieces of equipment, when we thought that there was going to be one. Work with us and be sure that we fully communicate what the equipment looks like and how it is laid out so that we can give you the best result.
At the end of the on-site evaluation, you will have an entire documentation package dealing with the constructional non-conformities, if any.
The following week after the on-site evaluation, we will complete on all your constructional reviews, documentation reviews, and provide you a full report on whether there are any non-conformances or whether the equipment is conforming. Typically it takes a week or two of interaction back and forth to resolve any non-conformances you have. If they are constructional non-conformances, we will give you suggestions on best practices to cure those and re-design for those. If it is documentation, then we will work with your documentation team and provide detail on what should be in the package so that you can get complete. Also, we cover any labeling that needs to be done or any nameplates or any other changes like that. We can direct you to providers or give you detailed information to be able to complete on this as well.
So all in all, if you count the early conformity discovery process, typically 4 hours over the design process, then the actually SEMI S2 and if you want to add on CE marking is typically about a two to four week process. We are very results driven and want to have that happen for you rapidly and get you the result you need with ease and make it practical.
We are very focused on getting that result for you. We want to be sure that we stay focused on your project and your team stays focused on those non-conformances so that we aren’t stretching this out. The longer the project stretches, the longer it keeps going and that is not where we want to be. We are there to get this done for you, get you conforming, and get you a SEMI S2 report.